Traffic Information

North Durban Accidents Leave 6 People Injured On Saturday Night

Crisis Medical Paramedics responded to a collision on the N2 North before the M41 at around 21:30 on Saturday evening.
First on arrival, paramedics found two vehicles that had collided with each other in a rear end manner. Four people from both vehicles sustained various injuries ranging from minor to moderate and were transported to Ethekwini Hospital by Crisis Medical Ambulance for further medical treatment.
It is unknown what caused the two cars to collide and will be subjected to an SAPS investigation.
Shortly after that, paramedics were called to North Coast Road and Victor Road where an out of control car crashed into a bus shelter injuring two pedestrians waiting for transport. Both patients were seriously injured requiring them to be fully immobilised before being transported to Ethekwini Hospital by Crisis Medical ambulance for further treatment.
The driver of the vehicle absconded from the scene however Police were looking for him shortly after the collision.
Issued by: Neil Powell
Crisis Medical Media Spokesman


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