Traffic Information

Upgrade of main road P416 in the Harry Gwala District

Main Road P416 (R56) starts from N2 at Rietvlei and ends in Umzimkhulu town. It is a major link between the N3 corridor from Pietermaritzburg and the N2 towards Kokstad.

This road serves the Emachunwini, Mbuzweni, Rietvlei, Nxaphanxapheni Kokshill, Nhlabeni, Mfundweni, Bisi, KwaMeyi, Thembeni, Madakeni and Clydsdale communities by providing access to the Zimema, Bhombas, Mbuzwen, Mhlangeni, Nobila, Kokshill, Nhlabeni, Mfundweni, Ibisi, Clydsdale, Thembeni, Ibuta, Mlozana Junior Secondary Schools, the Thembeni and Ibisi High School as well as the Tembeni and Ibuta Pre-schools. It also provides access to the Reitvlei Hospital, the Velekani Special School, the Mfundweni Maize Project, Mlozana Maize and Vegetable Project, the Madakeni Massive Food Production, the Ibisi Police Station, the Rietvlei, Ibisi and Clydesdale Clinics, as well as the Rietvlei, Sinamumva, Mfundweni, Ibisi, Thembeni, Madakeni and Clydsdale pension pay points.

The project entails the widening of 41.675 kilometres of P416 as the existing blacktop road is not wide enough for the current traffic. The road will be widened to 10m wide with sidewalks and bus bays. This upgrade will be beneficial for the heavies transporting goods and commodities to the area. The widening will also address safety issues by removing the blind rises and increase sight distances along the route. The total estimated cost of the project is R1 157 million.

The community will have a wider blacktop road that links them to other communities, schools, clinic and hospitals. Previously the community had to walk long distances to get public transport facilities. Due to the upgrade of P416, public transport will now be able to reach the community to transport them to schools, towns and other social facilities.

It is anticipated that the entire 41.675-kilometre upgrade will be complete in the 2029 financial year creating approximately 1500 employment opportunities.

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