Traffic Information

Upgrade of main road P58 in Ugu District Municipality

Main Road P58 is located between Deemount and Ezingolweni, in the Ugu District, Durban Region, under Umuziwabantu Local Municipality and falls within the jurisdiction of the Machi Traditional Council and iNkosi Xolo. It serves the communities of both Deemount and Izingolweni by providing them access to Inkanyezi Yamachi Junior Primary, Phumza Combined Primary School, Mbusi High School, Mbonwa Junior Secondary School, Sbonisweni Senior Secondary School, and Ebomvini Combined Primary School, the Elim Provincial Clinic, Xhamini Provincial Clinic and other various public amenities.

The project comprises of the upgrading of 24.12 kms of gravel to a Type3: Provincial Road Standard, that is, total blacktop surface width of 8.5m with 2 lanes and the rehabilitation of road from km 0.00 to km 1.92. The total length of P58 IS 26.040kms. The total estimated budget of the project is R267.24 million.

The project will be creating economic opportunities for the community and various service providers.

The road development will promote growth within the area by assisting in reducing the unemployment rate and increasing job creation. Improved access via the upgraded road will assist the farmers and local communities to deliver their products timeously to the point of supply and provide safe access to community schools and other facilities. The upgrade section has been completed and rehabilitation plan for 1.92 km section will be included on the long plan for Department.

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