Minister Mbalula urged to rethink PRASA’s institutional arrangement

November 5, 2020 • Rail, Transport

Regarding the restoration of PRASA as a functioning institution – the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works have entered into a partnership agreement with the SOE to support it in its key work in restoring rail in the Western Cape, starting with the Central Line. This is a good start.

However, despite efforts by my department and PRASA’s local officials in the Western Cape, little meaningful progress has been made with regards to the Central Line to date.

This is a cause of significant concern, given the urgent need and the political support given to its restoration. The Central Line is needed to realise jobs, safety and dignity for the people of the Cape Flats and its functioning is of paramount importance to us.

Our understanding is that the institutional failures within PRASA are the primary impediment to meaningful progress.

This needs to be urgently addressed so that we can together respond to the crisis we are facing. If we cannot together make meaningful progress in the short term, it can only mean that PRASA is beyond repair.

I urge Minister Mbalula to rethink the institutional responsibility for Rail.

What is clear is that the people of the Western Cape cannot continue to live without a functioning rail service, and that the institutional arrangements to most effectively enable this crisis to be addressed must be forefront of our response.

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